Fifth Grader Saves Friend’s Life

A fifth grader in Michigan performed the Heimlich maneuver on a friend, saving the boy’s life and earning an HVA Life Saving Award from a local EMS company.

The Heimlich is part of a First Aid, Life-Saving course, which should include CPR.

It’s never to soon to know how to recognize an emergency or threat, and how to act on it, as the Ann Arbor fifth grader can attest.

Choking is the third main cause of deaths at home.

Watch for these signs in infants; Weak cough or cry, Difficulty breathing, unable to make sounds, soft, or high-pitched sounds when inhaling, bluish skin color.

Most adults will grab their throats, but other signs include wheezing, unable to talk, blue skin or lips, passing out, and gagging.

Get your CPR and First Aid certification today.

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