CPR Flashmob!

You’ve seen the videos on YouTube of pre-coordinated dance flash mobs that appear in crowded malls and outdoor shopping centers. But this weekend in Las Vegas, there was a CPR flash mob organized to raise awareness of how easy it is to perform CPR!

American Red Cross volunteers and local firefighters organized a CPR flash mob at the Fremont Street Experience to the rhythm of “Staying Alive.” While the famous Bee Gees song played in the background, volunteers and firefighters did chest compressions on mannequins to illustrate how to perform chest compressions.

One of the volunteers explained,”We’re all going to CPR and everybody’s going to be able to see just how easy it is to save a life.” The volunteers stuck around after the flash mob to teach passersby how to perform CPR.

Great job, volunteers! We think this is such an engaging and fun way to teach people about CPR!

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