Are You Prepared for a Pet Emergency!

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If you know how to perform CPR on a child and an adult, kudos to you. Really. You are doing a great service to your friends, family, and certain strangers who might benefit from your skills. But, have you ever thought of what you would do in case of a pet emergency?

A paramedic, Eric Roth, has written a book about K9 emergency and first aid called K9 Medic, How to Save Your Dog’s Life During an EmergencyAlthough it might not be something you think about, being prepared for ANY kind of an emergency will put you at better odds of saving a life, human or not.

The book talks about various of aspects of emergency care, from CPR to removing a stinger from a pet’s skin/paws (using a credit card). Roth was inspired to write this book after hearing a story about a young girl with a severe peanut allergy saving the life of her “allergy alert” dog when it severed an artery.

Roth notes that one aspect of emergency care that is underrated is the ability to stay calm. This is applicable for a pet owner whose pet has been severely injured, but also for any person in the same situation when a loved one is in an emergency.

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