CPR Recertification – Once is not Enough

If you have taken any kind of CPR or first aid training, you know how important that information is. Whether you took an adult CPR, a pediatric CPR, or a first aid class, you now possess knowledge that has the potential to save lives. As with all information, though, even the most important facts begin to fade after a while. This process is slow and unnoticeable; by the time you realize how many details about CPR or emergency care you have actually forgotten, it could be too late. The last thing you would want is to find  yourself in the middle of an emergency situation and then suddenly freeze or become unsure of yourself, wasting precious time, because you can’t quite remember what you were taught in your CPR or first aid class many years ago.

The most effective way to counteract this natural memory lapse is to make sure that you take a CPR recertification class at least once every two years. Most CPR or first aid certifications only last one or two years for this very reason. Time flies by, though, and often two years go by faster than you think. The best policy is to keep a copy of your certification card somewhere accessible and just remember to always keep it up to date. CPR recertification classes are easy to find and can be inexpensive, especially if you simply re-certify online. Most classes give you a quick, but thorough reminder of those important life-saving details that are so easy to forget after long periods of time. Then it is a small exam at the end and you will receive your brand new certification lasting another year or two. You will also gain confidence in your abilities to help out in emergency situations, knowing that you have done your best to stay up to date with your knowledge of CPR or first aid.

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