First Aid for Burns: What You Need to Know

If you have CPR and first aid training, you know the importance of not only quick thinking but correct thinking. No more is this more essential than with providing first aid for burns.

Burns can range from the benign to the extremely serious. Not only is the burn itself a factor in treating the injured person, but you may have to consider your surroundings as well. For steps in knowing how to deal with them and deliver the right first aid for burns of any kind, read on.

How to Identify the Three Burn Classifications

Singing a finger on the oven door is one thing; suffering from a debilitating chemical spill is quite another. When providing the right kind of first aid for burns, it helps to know what procedures can help which burn types. There are currently three classifications of burns, each with their own characteristics and burns first aid.

First-degree burns occur when only the outer layer of skin has burned. Redness, swelling, and some pain may afflict the patient, but simple burns first aid can help relieve this.

Second-degree burns are when the first and second layers of skin have been burned. In addition to more severe redness, swelling, and pain, the skin can take on a splotchy appearance.

Third-degree burns are major burns which require immediate medical attention. These can affect all layers of skin and can even affect fat, muscle, and bone. Skin can become black or charred.

How to Distribute Burns First Aid Safely and Effectively

If you know the three burn classifications, you already have much of the information you need to properly provide burns first aid. Identifying which they have will make first aid much easier.

Use your CPR training if the patient isn’t breathing. Soak the burn in cool water if the patient has suffered a minor burn. Then treat it with a skin care product and cover it with gauze or a sterile bandage. Do not use cotton, as lint may enter the wound.

For serious burns, do not remove burned clothing and do not immerse burns in water. Elevating the burned body parts above the heart level is the best form of first aid. Burns treated in this way may be caught before they seriously develop into bad symptoms.

When Burns First Aid isn’t Enough

Thankfully, you won’t need first aid certification for minor burn treatment. But the more serious the burn, the more training comes in handy. If you want to make sure you’re prepared, you need to make sure to have the required training.

While you should always contact emergency assistance in the case of serious injuries, your knowledge of first aid treatment for burns could be a matter of life and death. Make a difference—learn CPR and first aid now.

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